Saturday, June 10, 2017

What's going on?

It's certainly been a busy spring! And here we are, going into our last week of school. Sometimes time flies, and other times, time FLIES! Speaking of flying ... 

We spent much of April reading about, researching and writing about birds. What amazing skills we covered through this process. We discussed as a group what we knew about birds, then what we wanted to know about birds. 

We each chose a bird that we wanted to learn more and write about. We looked through books and found the facts we needed to write about where our bird lived, what it looked like, what it ate, and other interesting facts. We illustrated our pages and created a book, which we shared with our classmates and families.
We spent time investigating bird nests and bird parts, drawing and labeling the parts of a bird, gathering materials and making a nest, observational drawing and bird painting.

We made bird feeders and hung them outside our window. We really enjoy watching the various types of birds come around to our feeding area!

For three weeks, we eagerly awaited the hatching of our chicken eggs in the incubator. It was wonderful to hold them and feel their soft feathers. 

We really enjoyed our bird investigation! It even triggered a week or so of more interest in flight and the making of MANY paper airplanes, which carried over to our outdoor learning where we tested their flight capabilities!

Since we end our day in the outdoors, we rarely share what's happening out there and how much learning (and expending of energy) is occurring outside. 

So much teamwork, sharing, imagining and discovery is going on all of the time.
 We are busy building and/or trying to break through dams in Colin's creek, creating elaborate games of freeze tag, meals of mud cakes and grass and leaf soup. 

 We are soothing friends who have fallen down, we are planting a garden and caring for it each day. 

We challenge our abilities constantly through climbing, running, lifting and moving. 

We are treasure finders and sometimes, treasure sharers. We practice carpentry by sawing and hammering wood. 

We collect flowers, write with "chalk made from wood", and discover, and discover, and discover. 

Playing outdoors presents such amazing opportunity to learn more about our friends, share our ideas, work together, and explore our natural world. 

 Our days are so rich with learning, from start to finish.